Use the charts below to see how a peer's sector IDs match up to the device's azimuth and elevation for each TNA model.

It is important to understand that the beam used on the AP side of a link is not related to the beam used on the station side.  

On the access point side, boresight should be pointed in the center of the area you want to cover.  It is expected then that each client will show up on a different sector, based on its physical location (azimuth & elevation), relative to the AP.

On the station side, the general goal is get as close to boresight as possible.  However, this isn't a hard requirement.  As long as you have a signal in the expected range (by using the Link Calculator) then you shouldn't need to further adjust the position of the station.  

Additional notes:

  1. There are 4 total beams used when a link is made: AP TX and RX, and Station TX and RX. 
  2. TX and RX sectors will be the same in almost call cases on each side of the link.

Boresight Sector IDs

Each model has a sector ID that is considered to be "boresight" or centered.  This ID differs based on Tachyon product model.

ModelSector ID



TNA-301 Sector Mapping

TNA-302 Sector Mapping

TNA-303X Sector Mapping

Note: The 303X sector mapping only applies when the radio does NOT have an antenna kit attached.